AI Software Article – Humans Will One Day Trust Computers More Than Humans!

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Written by suretech

AI marketing

Either you will manage the machines or the machines will manage you


Many futurists have argued over the thought that artificially intelligent computers in the future will be trusted more than humans. Not long ago, I had this conversation with someone and they told me that would never happen. However, I think that this sort of attitude towards the future of artificial intelligence is shortsighted. So let me ask you a question;

“If you asked me a mathematical equation question, like what is the square root of 12,447 multiplied by five and further divided by 211, and then you ask me what the answer was one minute later. Would you trust me, or someone next to me holding a calculator and using that device?”

My acquaintance didn’t stick around to answer the question, however I think it’s safe to say we all know what the answer would be. And even if some believes that culturally we may never trust computers, or artificial intelligence, I’d say that it will be our culture, the people who’ll will the use of it, and create it.

Personally, I already do trust computers over people because I know that humans are deceptive by nature. Whereas, AI will only be deceptive if it is programmed to be, or learns it from humans. And if it is deceptive and it is programmed to help people, it will most likely only be deceptive if it’s for our own good anyway.

Humans will one day trust computers more than people, and some already do. That future is coming, and anyone who might debate otherwise needs to re-adjust their thinking, and consider the reality behind the future that we are progressing towards. I hope you will please consider this.
