You will receive a confirmation email after placing an order. The total time it takes to receive your order is described below:


Time frame for order delivery:

  • Processing time: Order verification, tailoring, quality check, and packaging. All orders are sent to our local shipping team for dispatch within 1-3 business days after the order is placed.
  • Shipping time: This refers to the time it takes for items to be shipped from our warehouse to the destination.
    • For Express/DHL shipping: Usual delivery time frame is 4 business days.
    • For USPS Shipping to the: 4 Business Days.
    • For Standard Free Shipping: Usual delivery time frame is 7 business days.
    • NOTE: We are taking additional measures to ensure your safety by our fulfillment partners due to COVID-19.  So, delivery times are seeing a general delay. If you haven’t received your order, please email us at [email protected] to review the status of your order. Refunds will be handled through email if necessary.

    Full refunds are not available under the following circumstances: 

    1. Delays caused by the buyer providing incorrect or incomplete delivery information;

    2. Delays in delivery caused by any force majeure incidents, such as natural disasters, bad weather, and war;

    3. Any uninsured order that is lost or stolen;

    4. Delays in delivery caused by any other beyond SureTech’s control, such as public holidays and Customs issues.